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Ancla 2


We had the chance to work again with our friends at CAE, developers of educational tools that help healthcare professionals provide safe and high quality patient care. CAE’s latest simulation achievement enhances the refinement of individually modify every parameter of a patient simulator, with the limitless capabilities of intelligent simulation models.


Just like a conductor in charge of an orchestra, the educator creates an opus of symptoms and clues, which we chose to convey in a synced stream of music and interfaces.


Client: CAE Healthcare

Country: USA

Script: Andrés Fernández Cordón

Creative Direction: Jorge Conde

Producer: Juliana Millán

Animation Direction: Jorge Conde

Art: Juan Barabani

Animation: Fernando Lamattina / Jorge Conde

Sound Design/Music: Facundo Capece / Lola Ritcher

Voiceover : Ross Huguet


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