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Estadeboda is an online service based in Venezuela, which targets young urban women who are about to get married and need an easy way to choose, create, and receive gifts for their wedding. We came up with a funny script and we produced this short film that depicts some typical uncomfortable situations. Then it shows how the solution is just a click away.
Estadeboda buscaba comunicar su servicio de una manera simple y cómplice con su principal demográfica: jóvenes urbanas modernas que necesitan una manera sencilla de crear y elegir regalos para su boda. Escribimos un guión divertido y creamos este film con situaciones incómodas típicas en este tipo de eventos, para luego mostrar cómo la solución está a sólo un clic de distancia.


Client: Estadeboda
Country: Venezuela
Script: Jorge Conde
Directed by: Jorge Conde
Art: Jorge Conde
Animation: Rodolfo Suárez
Music: Serge Essiambre
Voiceover: Andreina Faría
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